plants seem to know which way is up and which way is down; besides, they seem to know right from left. if a cutting from a tree is kept alive, new shoots will grow from the end that grew in the highest part of the tree.
there is no noticeable difference between the top and the bottom of the living stick, even under a microscope. even so, the stick will not send out shoots from the end it regards as bottom even if this end happens to be on top!
scientists studying this subject further split their cuttings in the direction of length.
to their surprise, they made another new discovery. a good many more buds grew on the righthand side of the split surface than on the left. they split the sticks again and found that the buds again grew on the right side.
the results of the entire study showed a 60% choice for the right side, proving that growing plants are mostly "righthanded.”
flower ['fla?] 花
anther ['?n?] 花药
nectar gland ['nekt? gl?nd] 蜜腺
ovary ['?v?r?] 子房
petal ['petl] 花瓣
pistil ['p?st?l] 雌蕊
pollen ['p?l?n] 花粉
sepal ['sep?l] 萼片
stalk [st?:k] 花柄,茎
stamen ['ste?m?n] 雄蕊
amaryllis [?m?'r?l?s] 喇叭花;孤挺花
anemone [?'nem?n?] 银莲花
azalea [?'ze?l?] 杜鹃花;映山红
balsam ['b?:ls?m] 凤仙花
begonia [b?'g?n?] 秋海棠
cactus ['k?kt?s] 仙人掌
camellia [k?'mi:l?] 山茶花
canna ['k?n?] 美人蕉
carnation [ka:'nen] 康乃馨
centuryplant ['sent?r?pla:nt] 龙舌兰
chrysanthemum [kr?'s?n?m?m] 菊花
cosmos ['k?zm?s] 大波斯菊
crocus ['kr?k?s] 番红花
cyclamen ['s?kl?m?n] 仙客来
daffodil ['d?f?d?l] 水仙花
dahlia ['de?l?] 大丽花
daisy ['de?z?] 雏菊
daphne ['d?fn?] 瑞香
dogwood ['d?gw?d] 山茱萸
freesia ['fri:z?] 小苍兰
gardenia [ga:'di:n?] 栀子花
geranium [d?'re?n?m] 天竺葵
gladiolus [?gl?d?'?l?s] 剑兰
hibiscus [h?'b?sk?s] 芙蓉花;木槿
hyacinth ['ha?s?n?] 风信子
hydrangea [ha?'dre?nd?] 绣球花;八仙花
iris ['a?r?s] 鸢尾花
jasmine ['d?zm?n] 茉莉
lilac ['la?l?k] 丁香花;紫丁香
lily ['l?l?] 百合花
lotus ['l?t?s] 荷花
magnolia [m?g'n?l?] 木兰
malus spectabilis ['me?l?s spe'te?b?l?s] 海棠花
marguerite [?ma:g?'ri:t] 雏菊
marigold ['m?r?g?ld] 金盏花
morning-glory ['m?:n?'gl?:r?] 牵牛花
orchid ['?:k?d] 兰花
pansy ['p?nz?] 三色堇
peony ['p?n?] 牡丹;芍药
pink [p?k] 石竹花
poppy ['p?p?] **花
redbud ['redb?d] 紫荆花
rhododendron [?r?d?'dendr?n] 杜鹃花
rose [r?z] 玫瑰花
sunflower ['s?nfla?] 向日葵
sweet pea [swi:t'pi:] 香豌豆花
tulip ['tju:l?p] 郁金香
wisteria [w?'st?r?] 柴藤
yucca ['j?k?] 丝兰
tree [tri:] 树
bark [ba:k] 树皮
bough [ba?] 大树枝
branch [bra:nt?] 树枝
cambium ['k?mb?m] 形成层
grass [gra:s] 草
knot [n?t] 树节
leaf [li:f] 树叶
pith [p?] 木髓
sapling ['s?pl?] 树苗
sprout [spra?t] 新芽
stem [stem] 茎
stump [st?mp] 树桩
resin ['rez?n] 树脂
ring [r?] 年轮
root [ru:t] 树根
root hair [ru:t he?] 根毛
taproot ['t?pru:t] 主根
treetop ['tri:t?p] 树梢
trunk [tr?nk] 树干
twig [tw?g] 小树枝
wood [w?d] 木材
acorn ['e?k?:n] 橡树果
bamboo [b?m'bu:] 竹子
baobab ['be?b?b] 猴面包树
beech [bi:t?] 山毛榉
birch [b?:t?] 白桦
blackthorn ['bl?k?:n] 黑刺李
box [b?ks] 黄杨
camphor tree ['k?mf? tri:] 樟树
cedar ['si:d?] 雪松
coco ['k?k?] 椰树
cone [k?n] 松果
cottonwood ['k?tnw?d] 三角叶杨
cycad ['sa?k?d] 苏铁
cypress ['sa?pr?s] 柏树
date [de?t] 枣椰树
ebony ['eb?n?] 乌木;黑檀
elder ['eld?] 接骨木
elm [elm] 榆树
eucalytus [?ju:k?'l?pt?s] 桉树
fir [f?:] 冷杉
ginkgo ['g?kg?] 银杏树
hemlock spruce ['heml?k spru:s] 铁杉
hickory ['h?k?r?] 山核桃树
holly ['h?l?] 冬青
horse chestnut [h?:s 't?estn?t] 七叶树;马栗树
juniper ['d?u:n?p?] 杜松
larch [la:t?] 落叶松
linden ['l?nd?n] 椴树
locust ['l?k?st] 洋槐
maple ['me?pl] 枫树
myrtle ['m?:t?l] 香桃木;桃金娘科植物
oak [?k] 橡树
oil palm [?l pa:m] 油棕榈树
osier ['?z?] 柳树
pine [pa?n] 松
plane tree [ple?n tri:] 悬铃树
poplar ['p?pl?] 白杨
rosewood ['r?zw?d] 紫檀;花梨木
rowan ['rn] 花楸(树)
sandalwood ['s?nd?lw?d] 檀香木
satinwood ['s?t?nw?d] 椴木
sequoia [s?'kw] 红杉
spruce [spru:s] 云杉
sycamore ['s?k?m?:] 美国梧桐
teak [ti:k] 柚木;刺槐
wattle ['w?tl] 金合欢树
willow ['w?l?] 垂柳
yew [ju:] 紫杉
vegetable ['ved?t?bl] 蔬菜
artichoke ['a:t?tk] 洋姜;洋蓟
asparagus [?'sp?r?g?s] 芦笋
aubergine ['?b?i:n] 茄子
bean [bi:n] 菜豆
beet [bi:t] 甜菜
beetroot [bi:tru:t] 甜菜;甜菜根
broad bean [br?:d bi:n] 蚕豆
broccoli ['br?k?l?] 西兰花;花椰菜(也作brocoli)
cabbage ['k?b?d?] 圆白菜,卷心菜
caper ['ke?p?] 刺山柑
cardoon [ka:'du:n] 菜蓟
carrot ['k?r?t] 胡萝卜
cauliflower ['k?l?fla?] 菜花,花椰菜
celery ['sel?r?] 芹菜
chervil ['t?:v?l] 雪维菜;细叶芹
chick-pea [t?k'pi:] 鹰嘴豆
chicory ['t?k?r?] 苣荬菜;菊苣
chilli ['t?l?] 辣椒
chive [t?a?v] 葱
cos lettuce [k?s 'let?s] 莴苣;直立莴苣
cress [kres] 水田芥;水芹
cucumber ['kju:k?mb?] 黄瓜
cumin ['k?m?n] 孜然;枯茗(也作cummin)
dandelion ['d?nd?la?n] 蒲公英
eggplant ['egpla:nt] 茄子
fennel ['fen?l] 茴香
French bean [frent? bi:n] 扁豆;四季豆
garlic ['ga:l?k] 蒜
gherkin ['g?:k?n] 嫩黄瓜;腌黄瓜
horseradish ['h?:sr?d?] 辣根;山葵
kale [ke?l] 甘蓝菜;羽衣甘蓝
kohlrabi [k?'ra:b?] 甘蓝;大头菜
laurel ['l?r?l] 月桂
leek [li:k] 韭菜
lentil ['lent?l] 小扁豆;兵豆
lettuce ['let?s] 莴苣
lotus root ['l?t?s ru:t] 藕
lupin ['lu:p?n] 羽扇豆(美作lupine)
marrow ['m?r?] 嫩葫芦;西葫芦
mushroom ['m?ru:m] 蘑菇
onion ['?nj?n] 洋葱
potato [p?'te?t?] 马铃薯;土豆
parsley ['pa:sl?] 欧芹;香菜
parsnip ['pa:sn?p] 牛蒡;欧防风;欧洲萝卜
pea [pi:] 豌豆
pepper ['pep?] 胡椒
pimiento [?p?m?'?nt?] 甜椒
pumpkin ['p?mpk?n] 南瓜
radish ['r?d?] 萝卜
rhubarb ['ru:ba:b] 大黄
sprouts [spra?ts] 豆芽菜
tarragon ['t?r?g?n] 狭叶青蒿;龙蒿
thyme [ta?m] 百里香
tomato [t?'ma:t?] 番茄,西红柿
truffle ['tr?f?l] 块菌;松露
turnip ['t?:n?p] 芜菁
watercress ['w?:t?kres] 豆瓣菜;西洋菜